Tuesday Oct 25, 2022

42 | 5 Steps to Biblically Work Through Feelings of Heaviness, Discouragement & Disappointment

This episode is very near and dear to my heart because I've personally experienced so much heaviness, discouragement, and disappointment over the years.

So much so to where when this happened for me, it was incredibly difficult to get out of feeling this way. It was like I felt trapped and I wanted to get out... but at the same time, I didn't want out.

It was like the sadness, the hopelessness, the heaviness, the disappointment and discouragement were familiar to me and I didn't want to let them go. It was my comfort zone, in a way.

I didn't believe that I could heal, feel renewed or restored, or ever stop feeling that way.

There were many triggers for me.

Burnout with business was a BIG one, or disappointment that my business wasn't bringing in enough revenue, or feeling really overwhelmed in business or life...

But on the flip side, other triggers were loss of a loved one, not having the life I expected to have, and so much more.

That being said, over the last couple of years, the Lord has really been working on me and helping me heal from this pattern of heaviness and discouragement, and in that, He has been revealing to me ways to biblically work through these negative feelings, emotions, mindset, and thoughts biblically, biologically and tangibly.

And I do want to preface this by saying that there's nothing wrong with having feelings. Or feeling sad, or heavy, or discouraged. We're human and we're meant to feel. We were made this way.

But what I'm talking about is when those feelings suck you in, and you cannot seem to navigate how to get out of it. It's like you go through life and function completely differently.

So, that being said, it really is such an honor to be able to share these 5 steps with you today, because it's made all the difference for me.

All glory be to God for that.

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